I am already contemplating of having someone to be with me on the team. I mean someone active, update junkie to help me with this blog. I find that it's a bit ... quite ... getting heavy for me to continuously update this now and then. I mean there's a lot of things I have been juggling and I'm worried that maybe soon these things that I am juggling are going to slip on my hands and they all be broken. But that's just me contemplating. :)
But I have a promise I need to keep. Anddd I guess while my adrenaline is pumping and the nagging thoughts of "hey something came up, you need to update" is there I'll update this. (bwahahaha yeah I contradict myself. I know. I know :P) *shifty*
Anyhow so much for introduction, a good friend of mine told me that she checked out the MNP and said that Pinky is leading the race in the poll for Best Female Morning Host. I told her that probably her 10K fans went there and attacked the poll like determined batman, not allowing Shawn Yao to win the race. And so zing! She took almost 60% of the votes.
Well I hafta go; it's time to walk the doggies and time for night bicycling. I will be back later alligators. :D
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