If you see that banner it's a "side notes" post. Side notes means it's just me writing. I know I am hardly important because the reason you came here is about Pinky Webb and not me. However since it's like not everyday we see a news about her, I thought about making an extra post. Just for the sake of keeping this blog active. But I assure you that the "Side notes" posts still contains about Pinky Webb or about this blog.
O-hoy!! I didn't realize that this blog had reach it's first month! Who would have thought? But even though this blog is celebrating its monthsary, too bad no one had notice and I'm pleading guilty to that too. I didn't even realize it until my personal gadget alarmed and was blinking with a note "Exclusively Pinky Webb's 1st month -- make a post cap'n!" -- so yeahhh now I'm making this post.
So how did I come up making this blog?
September 20, 2010 when all throughout the week Pinky Webb was doing the news. She was doing Umagang Kay Ganda, Tambalang Failon at Webb, Dateline, pinch hitting for Karen Davila and she was also pinch hitting for Bernadette Sembrano. Wow she has invaded the newscasts! If I could compare her to a gun, she'd be a machine gun in automatic mode. Unstoppable!
I was sort of reading articles about her until I got into her fanpage and met some of her fans. One fan there had asked me to make a blog and so one boring night while I was suffering from insomnia I thought of giving this a try. I was just doing graphics until it led me to making designs, drafting codes, and up to publishing my introduction. I have no idea if it would work--- but heck, I thought, let's just see.
Seriously, what I really admire is how her fans loves her. It was incredible and humbling to know that these faceless people who loves/supports her are never asking anything in return from her; and all stood still. You know, I'd even bet that you'd give and sacrfice a little or a lot for her. She's lucky to be loved by her great fans. ♥
Hmmp, before this entry gets melodramatic. I just want to say that when I made this blog, I thought of making a blog that she deserves, something beyond average. So yes, even as small as this should be treated BIG and I'm taking you how I make/made an entry. :)
Picture editing
she has a very few pictures compare to the hollywood
fan-blog I have co-managed. Plus, most of her pictures
didn't have a high-resolution copy and most of it has
watermarks so I have to take off the watermarks and
try to make low-res pictures look as good as possible. :)
The pictures
I have a great creepy-crawler that searches for possible
websites that contains her pictures. Also, thanks to some
contributors who sends pictures via Email. I use the picture
for graphics and animations and they are all stored in my folder.
The coding
No, don't think that I have done it that way, some of the codes
are generated by blogger. But to say, I did some twitching
to have the outcome that I am aiming for. Color/fonts/sizes/meta/padding
and CSS adjustments are moi made. :)
Like I said even as small as this needs to be treated BIG.
I draft everything I write. And yes I have a messy
handwriting. :P

I love experimenting with her pictures. Like, what I
have said Pinky does not really have a large
number of pictures, but it just takes a little
creativity to come up with a decent graphic. :)
Btw, I love that picture of her. I love what she wore.
Animated Pictures
I really like animated pictures. I like it because it's the
short portion of videos that I like. We don't have a lot of
video resources for Pinky but I really like the candid
videos taken from her Failon Ngayon interview because
I thought it was nice to see something that's not too
serious from her.

Video Editing
I do not use Adobe Premier or After Effects in making those
videos that I have used for our Special Post because
Adobe Premier/After Effects slows down my computer's performance.
Plus, I don't need an imposing kind of (video) composition,
just a simple but a really good one.. :D *grin*
So I just use this simple software in making those montages. :D
This is our video account here all videos posted here will be placed there.
Of course, planning is very important. Some post here are all
planned: when it will be posted, what to post. But, hehe,
sometimes I failed to do as what I planned I have real-life
as well. :P
This is the tedious part. lol. This is also the task that I usually
procrastinate on because there are like thousands
of possible entries with "Pinky Webb", "Pinky", "Webb",
"Umagang Kay Ganda", "Tambalang Failon at Webb",
"XXX", "Pinky Webb + date", "Pinky Webb + News", etc.,
then I have to browse all entries as possible. That's why
I am glad when people leave links because it saves my time.
I am glad when people leave links because it saves my time.
Since, this really takes a huge amount of time that's why
sometimes I just take a peek at my bookmarks
and skip using the crawlers and engines :P
So, yeah that's how I did this; and how I am doing the posts here. It's not easy because it's also a work. lol. But doing this made me stretch my graphic, HTML, CSS, video editing muscles. Plus, I get to enjoy the fans that has become my friends too. And I have to admit, this is fun.
Honestly, I cannot promise that this blog will be active forever but I am hoping to make this last for few more years. But if ever I got to the point of no longer updating and giving this up, I'm going to turn over this to someone who admires and likes Pinky so that I know someone will take care and update this even without me checking.
But for now I am enjoying it ... <3
Happy monthsary Exclusively, Pinky Webb! :D