Monday, October 18, 2010

42: Poll Result: Two Queens together?

Karen and Pinky working together? -- Should be!
And this is not their ID picture, even though it looks like one! ;)

In the last poll we had, I asked who do you want Pinky Webb to work with (other female anchors) and Karen Davila got the highest vote. She got 49% compare to the other choices (Korina came second with 33%). We all have seen them deliver the news; Karen being the lady anchor in T.V Patrol; and Pinky in Dateline Philippines. Karen and Pinky have different style in delivering the news but gives the same impression to the viewers: strong, smart, and no-nonsense anchors.


Can you imagine how cool it might be if both of them are in the same newscast? I can clearly picture it in my head along with Julius and Ted.

PS: hmmm, I suddenly wondered: Why is it that there are no two female anchors in a newscast? :/ or maybe there is and I just missed them.

Anyway I like them both. :] cheers!

Anything to add? Leave us a comment!

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